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About Us

GelisimPark was established in 2006 to develop products and provide services for different types of customers by using information technologies.

The founders combined their past experiences, knowledge and partnering with similar minded, experienced people whom are experts in their fields established GelişimPark. 

In the short time that has passed since its establishment in November 2006, GelişimPark;

  • Integrated Logistics Support and Material Management Systems

  • Maintenance Management Systems and SCADA Solutions

  • Enterprise Software Development

  • E-government Solutions

  • It has become a company that offers a wide range of services such as consulting in the field of IT and product development.

While constantly improving itself with its employees, GelişimPark aims to develop products that are beyond its customers expectations and add value to them by offering new and different services and products.


Our solution partners


Our company, which is a part of HAVELSAN WORK ECOSYSTEM, has completed the Maintenance Infrastructure Process Preparation, BMS Design and Software Development services as a subcontractor between EÜAŞ and HAVELSAN, within the scope of the Electricity Production Inc. Maintenance Management System Software and Service Procurement Agreement.


The integration of GelişimPark e-BYS software and Başarsoft EDABIS application has been successfully completed. Thanks to this integration, interruptions on the Geographical Information Systems (BIS/GIS) are recorded, necessary reports can be obtained, and when an electrical fault occurs at any point in the electricity distribution network, the user can display the information about the fault hierarchically (by choosing Central Transformer, Feeder, Transformer) or can save by listing the units in the selected region on the map. It can also view the periodic maintenances defined on e-BYS.

Human Resources

Thank you for your interest in our company. If,


  • Lifelong learning is important to you,

  • You can approach people positively and empathize with them ,

  • You are creative 

  •  You can say we, instead of me


Please send your CV


Cyberpark - Cyberplaza

C Block 3rd Floor No: 313

Bilkent 06800

Cankaya / Ankara

T:0 (312) 265 07 70
F:0 (312) 265 07 71

Istanbul Office

GelişimPark Logo-01.png

Technopark Boulevard

Yeditepe University R&D Center No:1/7C 201

T:0216 504 02 16
F:0216 504 02 17

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